Plenty of ideas

Arjen SchutteMoments of truth


There are moments when you are overflowing with new ideas to boost your business. And often exactly when you are not aware of your business at all. The brilliant inspirations pop up spontaneously in your brain during a relaxed car ride or a nice piece of running.

And then, months later, you have unfortunately not done anything with it. Looking back, you have to conclude that you have been particularly busy with the hectic pace of everyday life. Or, even worse, you have already forgotten part of all those good intentions. If only I could turn a few percent more of all my ideas into action and results!


First of all, make sure you note those new promptings as quickly as possible in one of the many simple action Apps. Without judgment, without further thinking; just record the thought of that moment. Then you make a habit of going through your list every two weeks and sparring with friends / colleagues. In this way you can prioritize, delete or further develop ideas. A handy and playful way to give an idea more body is mind mapping. And yes, good Apps are also available for this.

And then you have to do something, time for action! Bookshelves full of literature exist for this. Nevertheless, Ben Tiggelaar was able to add a useful piece to that last year. Not too thick and of striking simplicity. His wise lesson in ‘The Ladder’ is not to set too many goals at the same time. Then determine per development goal which behavior is needed to achieve the goal. And finally, ensuring that useful systems help you promote that behavior.

Highly recommended for daily usage by entrepreneurs!